
Showing posts with the label Science Liberal arts


I wrote a formula using mathjax. For the format, this site will be helpful \sum_{ k = 1 }^{ n } k^2 = \overbrace{ 1^2 + 2^2 + \cdots + n^2 }^{ n } = \frac{ 1 }{ 6 } n ( n + 1 ) ( 2n + 1 )  \begin{eqnarray} \sum_{ k = 1 }^{ n } k^2 = \overbrace{ 1^2 + 2^2 + \cdots + n^2 }^{ n } = \frac{ 1 }{ 6 } n ( n + 1 ) ( 2n + 1 ) \end{eqnarray}

A story behind brain research

I happened to find this article . I pushed this article to my kindle and read it. It's very intersting story. H. M w as a man who were unable to hold on to the present moment for more than 30 seconds or so. I knew the name of H.M. but didn't know a story around him and researchers so it's very interesting story for me. After reading this article, I saw another  article  in facebook. Two articles are related to a newly released  book. That's why I often find a story about H.M. The author of this book  Luke Dittrich  and female researcher  Suzanne Corkin  are both related deeply to H.M., former is grandson of surgeon who operated brain surgery to H.M. and the latter was a resercher who researched H.M. for long period of time. So it is why this book seemed to be very intersting. This author's grandfather did brain operation to H.M. which performed on both sides of his brain and intended to treat Henry's epilepsy, renderd himm pr...

Beautiful Mars

This week ,   we can see Mars very closely so I and my son watched Mars. From this picture, it is like dot. But as seeing from our naked eyes, it looked big,bright brown color. I was very surprised to see this largeness of star. My son also liked this star. I also used tablet app "Star map" to find Mars. It is very useful because we move my tablet towards stars and this app indicates a name of this star. When I was a child, I used a real star map on a circuit plate. Ciuruiting map by date, time, I can find which stars was found in certain direction. Both is good tools for science lovers.

To erase anxiety

Sometimes, we feel anxiety at work. And that makes my brain tired. For me, there are several ways to conquer. Sleep well: this is best way for me. When my brain was tired of many things, I slept and after waking up, in many case, my brain became simple Run: Sports is good way to refresh. When running, I can think of many situations and running makes my brain stimulated, so after running, my brain became refresh. knowing it not such a big issue .And for it, seeing things with wide rage of eyes can give me wisdom.  Especially no.3 is way of thinking and is like a zen. But my zen book which I liked said that 99% anxiety is "void" (I'm not sure it is collect word in english). It was made by themselves. At first, I can't understand it by heart but recently I think it is true things. And it also reduce my wasting time enormously because 99% of things are indeed "garbage" things. Thinking it is very important issue, I think.. Going back to the main t...

Sports is good for health, especially for brain

I'm interested in relationship between stress and brain function. Mechanism of brain is very intersting because brain is very accurate organism. When we feel about fear, stress, brain alart to amygdala in brain, then amygdala make signal to hypothalamus then hypothalamus makes singnal to hypophysis ,then hypophysis make signal to adrenal gland then adrenal gland release cortisol which is stress hormone.This route is called "HPA" . Cortisol is circuited via blood around our body then affected many organ including brain. Cortisol is good when emargence situation was happend, but when we continuously feel stress alltime, cortisol level is always high and it is bad for brain, especially for hippocampus which is important for memory. My favorite book " Method of usage of waking up early " said that 3 important issue for health is "sleep 7 hours", "good food" and "good exercise". The author kisou kubota has jogging 3 days ...

naked fukushima

Note of the book "naked fukushima" by yoshimitsu takuki, borrowed at library. - I read many books about the disaster of fukushima nuclear power plant and many are about nuclear plant or goverment's  correspondence, so this is intersting because he live in fukushima and write his experience. -Link:  amazon ,  blog 1. what had really happend at "1F"  - from the report of TEPCO, after explosion of plant No.1, they gather the car's battely to open vent of plant No.3 and opened it. 2. Real things that people don't want to admit about radioactive contamination -He checked the nuclea contamination date by watching australia weather association or norway weather association because japanese date of SPEED was not available.  - nuclear power safety research group : result around Iidate village   people of Iidate village first knew from this report that this village was in danger situation. - A member of japan weather association published a report in...

The Incredible Human Journey by Alice Roberts

In japan, we can see this book  at almost all the book shops, and this month, NHK is broadcasting this BBC TV series. I planed to see this first episode, but missed by  going outside, also missed rebroadcasting 2 days before, so checked the web and found this first episode. I think that this TV series is very intersting. The story is not special story, but it describes this kind of story very easily and very interstingly by using many wonderful video and CG. And furthermore, her storytelling is very good. And also her book is very good one, I think. As seen from amazon book review, amazon japan review is not good evaluation compaerd with review, but my opinion is almos same as the latter. Maybe in japan, the book publisher and broadcaster (NHK) is closely related (like this special site ), but such good scientific series might be good for young people, also for middle aged people like me.

Riemann Hypothesis

As I wanted to see the TV program "NHK kouhaku uta-gassen" , a TV program of music broadcasted at 31 Dec. annualy, I searched  NHK on demand . This TV program was pay program but I found some intersting TV programs on free, and one of them is " Riemann Hypothesis ". It was broadcasted at 2009 and length is about 1.5 hour. I think that this is very interesting program. I like math and I read several books about Riemann Hypothesis but this mathematic concept is very difficult to understand. This TV program translated this difficult concept to very easy way using CG technology. Some blog  said badly about this program but I think that it is very good because explaining this theory in plain terms needs some mathematic background and knowledge and maybe this TV director have such sense, I think.

science & mathimatics

Today is 30 April and I am enjoying 9 consecutive holiday called "golden week" in Japan. This year, if we took two paid holidays (1 and 2 May) we can enjoy 9 holiday, so I plan to take 9 holiday. Recently, I was busy so today I enjoyed relaxing time with surfing webs. And when I happend to see Simon Singh's website , this was renewed and find the page of "felmat's last theory" which I very liked. His books was very fantastic because he may like science and math and many reader can understand his love of science.

Interesting books,etc.

Recently, I am curious about the author "kenichiro mogi"( japanese blog , english-blog ). I knew him but until recently, I am not interested about him and his book ( I know his thema "qualia" by title ). And recently we can see him on TV and he publish many book in a short interval, and his way of thinking and point of view was very interesting to me so I read his books and website. (recently I am stuck on his website) I wonder why I am curious about his book and website, and maybe I am starving for some intellectual things. I found "hideo kobayashi", "hideo noguchi" from his writing and I aloso read the book of " kang sang jung " and he was also influenced by " soseki natume ". Also I read his blog and it refered the website "edge" which I liked, that's strange feeling and also interesting to me.

Japanese Haiku - Fukiko Yasunaga

Today, I read the newspaper and it introduced a haiku (japanese poem) with a essay. This haiku was "桜餅の粒実ふふめば哀れなり口中に凛々(りり)とかすむくれなゐ". In this article, サクランボ(桜桃)(a cherry) is introduced in the begining with the episode that it was sent by delivery service and depicted the story of eating it, and finally this poem was introduced. This poem was composed by Fukiko Yasunaga (安永蕗子) who I didn't know, but I liked this poem because this sound of words is very beautiful. This authoress was born in 1920 at Kumamoto-pref. and she got the several prizes, one of which was " 迢空(ちょう・くう)賞" which is the best prize of haiku, so that's why I was moved. (Nikkei newspaper evening edition, June 21 2008) Related link; Google(安永蕗子) 、

onomatopee (onomatopoeia) (オノマトペ)

Last week when I read the newspaper, I found this word. This article introduce the book of japanese singer "hitoto You" who make the lyrics using the method of onomatopee. Indeed her song is unique so I was intrested in her song. I check out the word オノマトペ(onomatopee) and found that it is very deep and intresting. . Recently I am curious about how the children can get the word or language. At first children can pronounce the word like onomatopee, then sometimes suddenly he can get the exact word, so word and onomatopee have relationship.