naked fukushima

Note of the book "naked fukushima" by yoshimitsu takuki, borrowed at library.

- I read many books about the disaster of fukushima nuclear power plant and many are about nuclear plant or goverment's  correspondence, so this is intersting because he live in fukushima and write his experience.
-Link: amazonblog

1. what had really happend at "1F"
 - from the report of TEPCO, after explosion of plant No.1, they gather the car's battely to open vent of plant No.3 and opened it.

2. Real things that people don't want to admit about radioactive contamination
-He checked the nuclea contamination date by watching australia weather association or norway weather association because japanese date of SPEED was not available.
 -nuclear power safety research group: result around Iidate village
  people of Iidate village first knew from this report that this village was in danger situation.
- A member of japan weather association published a report in 18 May, 2011 saying not to examine and not publish the result.
- internal exposure is more important issue than external exposure and it is impossible to detect beta and alpha ray even using whole-body-counter equipment.(児玉龍彦,福島昭治)
- Information that Radiation level at around 1950 is higher than level of now is not correct
- mental stress to be moved to another place forcibly is more sever than physical health problem, because many old aged acquaintances got sick at another places.

3. Starting "fukushima naked operation"
- fukushima prefecture requested to the central government that area around 20 km from nuclear facility should be prohibited area.
-people living at fukushima and do food relation job lost their hope because their sense of value were to love their soil, forest, water. But people outside fukushima didn't understand their heart.
- tendency to relying upon nuclear business has become stronger than that before.

4. Human relationship at kawauchi village (which is called miracle village)
-story of baku-genjin village.
-story about dog&cat preservation

5. Naked fukushima
-hamaoka nuclear plant had already broken before it stopped.
-decontamination business
-wind electric power plant stopped after 3.11 due to the luck of electricity.
-if nucleur reproduction fucility at rokkasyo village begin to work, it is over.
-it costs 55 milion yen per day to maintain monju which is stopping now.
-eco-town,smart city, such government buyback program is same as system of nuclear policy. Money should not be used for business which is not establied as business.
-he insisted 3 point.
 one is to give up the plan of nuclear fuel cycle,
 two is to separate power generation and power transmission business,
 third is to stop the nuclear plant with priority and decommisioning nuclear reactor.


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