
Showing posts with the label IT

Micro:bit, Mbot, and prgograming tool

Recent technology's progress is amazing. One is a progress of coding technology and second is a progress of IT-gadget. Emergence of graphical programing tool like Scratch is a big innovation which makes programming easy to handle. And at the same time, it gadget like micro:bit, rasbery-pi emerge. I think both of them are indispensible for each other. I happend to buy  mbot  2 years before for my son's christmas present when he was 2 grade of elementary school. He liked it. Mbot has many functions like  - line detection  - light detection  - sonic detection  - bluetooth interface and also has a graphical programing tool like scratch but he prefered using its remote controller rather than using programing tool. And about one year later, we happend to start Scratch on November 2017 and started going CoderDojo on March 2018 and it was a very big event, I think. Scratch is a SNS programing platform and it is huge difference from mbot programing tool because he...

IT circumstance

Recently, I can study, doing programing, everywhere in any time with not expensive. My gear is cheap but high-performance netbook(lenovo miix 310). And my cloud circumstance are below.  - Connect AWS by tera term, sometimes remote connect using ATOM.  - Use github and stackblitz so my programs on AWS are always syncronized I only use AWS at weekend so weekend's cost is around 50 yen ($0.5) , very cheap. If I want to do programing without AWS, I also use stackblitz so current clowd circumstance is wonderful for prorgaming. And I have a NTT-SPOT free-wifi account because I'm a user of NTT broadband access service so I can enjoy wifi service at many shop (now I'm using it at mister donut coffee shop). And I'm studying programming reading NODE.js programing books which I rent using purblic library's internet service. So if we want to study, we can study with almost no fee and it is fantastic !

Home security system

Last week, we bought panasonic home-security system . We didn't care about such things but recently our neibours had some troubles like their garbage bags been searched, finding some strange persons around there, and they bought security camera or took part in home-security services. So we decided to buy such system. There are many such system in and we selected panasonic's one because it is very sophiscatedly designed system. It costs about 20,000 yen including home-security hub and outdoor-type camera with sensing devices included, which are communicating using wifi(direct) and also connecting with our home's wifi rooter, so we can monitor camera sensing from inside or outside home. If it detected some strange person, it tells our smartphone ! Very amazing. At first, I read some information which said that it required fixed IP address if we can accept alarm notices outside our home, so I thought that we can't use this function because we don't have fi...

New desktop PC

We had been using HP desktop PC for 6 years and suddenly it broke down. It was due to hard-drive's brokage and I tried to replace HD but it might be that motherboard of this PC was also broken according to the analysis of PC shop so I decided to buy new one. We'are setting PC in our living room so compact one is better (HP's one was all-in-one type) so we decided to buy all-in-one type. HP's internet-order type was cheapest 6 years ago but this time, lenovo PC is cheapest so we ordered it( ideacentre AIO 510S ). It is 23 inch and pentium iCore5 model. I was very surprised that it was deliverd 2 days after I ordered it! It was thin and stylish compared with our former one(HP) so we loved it very much. Price are 85,000 yen (about $800), almost same as former one(HP) and very cheap compared with desktop pc saled at real shop.It was windows10 pre-instoled one so we could soon use it. Surprising thing is that it only contain basic instruction of how to set up. It is like IKE...

Amazon is very convenient

Last week , our house's light at kitchen was down. Switch of light was broken. 10 years has passed since our house was made, so it might be such a time. And I was searching this switch. It indicates "JW-S11" "NKK", and went to some electronics stores, but could not find this switch. This maker (NKK) has some branch including Osaka, but it is not near our house. So I search this words with amazon and find this. Amazing ! It is about 2$ plus 6$ of sending cost. And ordered 4 days before and arrived yesterday. And today, I fixed the light using soldering iron. I was surprised that amazon deal with such kind of things which normal people seldom needs. Very convenient period of time !

Electric money

Recently , I'v started using electric money with smartphone.(not bitcoin) Smartphone contains IC chip called felica and now I'm using Edy which handles electric money. I charged money at convenience stores because there are a little charging machine near here. Electric money is convinient because we don't have to pull coins from our wallet, but some stores don't deal with electric money (ex. 100yen shops, etc) so afterall I have to bring wallet anytime. But it is good ! Recently, I can find service which uses felica at golf driving range. When I charged smartphone at entrance tab, it automatically charges points. If I gain some amount of points, I can get golf griving range's card. It is unique service. It is one of examples to use IT in a fantastic way.

Handling informations

Recently due to a progress of IT, we can easily gather and handle many informations at any time any place if they have a curiisity. My method is like this. 1. Getting informations, reading informations   I use RSS reader(Feedly) and mail magazine and those are good way to get informations efficiently, but most good method for me is by newspaper (real newspaper).  Newspaper is coverd with wide range of information so for me is the best resource. I always get up at early about 4:30 AM and have a coffee and read newspaper about 30 min. This is a best time for me. And after reading it and find some intersting articles, I take a picture by tablet and send it to my google drive. Before IT is not convinient like this, I scrap these by folders but storing in cloud is very convinient because I can aceess my own resources at any place at any time. And my most important information resources is books. I like books very very much from children. I spend about 2 or 3 times a week  at b...

History of my computers

I sometimes feel wonder how splendid current smartphones are. I grew up using old MS-DOS computer and old mainframe computer using at university about 1985- with 8.5 inch floppy disk. So compared these things, revolution of current IT technology is splendid. My first computer(NEC VX21) were around 1MIPS, and  my smartphone(LG G2 01f) is around 1000MIPS. When I was graduate student at 1989-1990, our lab introduced SUN sparkstation 2 and it was around 30MIPS . We used it for simulating our model of network and we are very excited this workstation's high spec. So now I always carry 30 workstations I used to use ! Below are my history of computers I used (netbook,ipod,tablet,smartphone indicating "+") - NEC VX21 (1987?-): V30/80286(8MHz),0.64MB(RAM),20MB(HD) - Epson (1992?-) - Fujitsu (1995?-) - Sotec(notePC)(1998?- ) - Hitachi (2002-) + mouse compute: N450(1.66GHz),1GB(RAM),160GB(HD) + kindle 3 gen:Freescale i.MX353, ARM-11 + iPod touch - HP all in one 200: Core i 3, around ...

Amazon's misorder

I used ¥980 maruman watch for about 2years, but recently this watch was sometimes in a wrong manner. After using stopwatch function plus ilumination function and press a stop botton, time was all reset! (I often do joging after coming home and used stopwatch function of my watch) And 3days before, at last time was incorrect. It might be out of battely, but I decided to buy new watch at amazon. I like CASIO G-SHOCK orignal model(5600) and found ¥5900 imported one, so I orderd it. And yesterday, it was delivered but it was another type(model 9052). I've used amazon for a long time but such thing was first. Returning process is easy. At first, I clicked url in reciept mail and I writ down my telephone number and push botton, then there were return cal from amazon telephone center. After telling infirmation, they did refunding procejure. Then I packed the watch into box then brought it to convinience store, sended it to amazon C.O.D.* When amazon recieve the percel, I`ll recieve amazo...

Using web services

Recently, I use several web services to get&manage informations. -Step1 To get informations, rss reader (now I use google reader) is very good tools, but recently I also use facebook & twitter, because recently many site focus on social media  so these two pages (facebook&twitter) is very good for many websites (nature, economist, etc). And recently I rent books from our city's library by requesting internet. These userinterface is very excellent so when I read newspapers or etc and find intersting books, I memo these titles and reserve these books by internet and if these books are delibered to the library I selected (in our city, there are about 20 points including sattelite library to get these books). If these books are derivered at these points, I receive the notification by cell-phone email and  get them at near satellite library. -Step2 Then store informations. I mainly use Gmail because if I use many services, it sometimes take many times to serch at w...

New netbook has arrived !

Our new netbook has arrived yesterday ! I bought netbook 2 month ago (ASUS Aspire One), but recently it was suddenly broken when my wife connected a mouse and power supply suddenly down ! ASUS Aspire One was good because it was cheap (30 thousant yen) and display is 1240 * 720 and 11.6inch wide, but weight is a liitle heavy and CPU Power is also a little weak so I asked the shop to change another netbook when it was broken, and shop said they paid back 30 thousant yen. So I searched at shop and web then ordered the new netbook at This one is by mouse computer which is an BTO(Built To the Order) company in japan. This company isn't so popular in Japan but its spec and price is very good because it is the same price as Aspire One(30 thousant yen), same display resolution and CPU is latest one (Atom N450 and graphic chipset is MN3500) and weight is lighter(1 kg) so I orderd it (it is the last one amazon listed). We used it some days and I liked because it is easy to carry ...

The possibility of internet, blog, twitters, etc.

Reading some twitters and blogs, I think about what is blog and twitter mean.Of course, it is interesting to read someone's article and also intersted in writing something, but that's all. I mean that web's tool (blog, twitter, etc) might have much power. For example, when I was graduate student 20 years ago, there aren't such internet circumstances but there are news group in some internet providers and some people use such newsgroup (they call it "Forum") and my friends use them and get specific information and argue about some kind of things and it is very powerful tool for some kind of interst area. I did not use internet in such a way, but if I can use blog or some internet tool in such a way, I might utilize internet more powerful besides expressing daily life (for example, I ate something now expressing by twitter, etc etc).