Japanese Haiku - Fukiko Yasunaga

Today, I read the newspaper and it introduced a haiku (japanese poem) with a essay.
This haiku was "桜餅の粒実ふふめば哀れなり口中に凛々(りり)とかすむくれなゐ".

In this article, サクランボ(桜桃)(a cherry) is introduced in the begining with the episode that it was sent by delivery service and depicted the story of eating it, and finally this poem was introduced.
This poem was composed by Fukiko Yasunaga (安永蕗子) who I didn't know, but I liked this poem because this sound of words is very beautiful. This authoress was born in 1920 at Kumamoto-pref. and she got the several prizes, one of which was " 迢空(ちょう・くう)賞" which is the best prize of haiku, so that's why I was moved.

(Nikkei newspaper evening edition, June 21 2008)

Related link; Google(安永蕗子)asahi.com


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