
Memento database

Recently, I use tablet(Nexus 7 with wifi) & smart phone ( LG l-01f with MVNO) . Before, I used iPod touch and used flashcaed app for memo of english words and after changing to android(nexus 7), I can't find good app and furthermore, I changed my old mobile phone to smartphone(l-01f) with MNNO to reduce telecommunication fee, so I want to find good app which I can handle 2 devices with synchronizing database. And I find this software. It is very easy to use and it can sync database via Google docs, so if I can append words in one device and push sync bottom, then I can update another device with simply push sync bottom. I like it, but recently when I deleted Google docs's spreadsheet, I can't upload data to Google docs. But today, this trouble has been solved. After uploading data, I could not see spreadsheet from Google doc app, but when I access from desktop PC, I can find uploaded spreadsheet and after that, I can see uploaded spreadsheet from Google doc app. Maybe

Kouga-Ninjya house, Shiga

We went to the kouga ninja village . Before, we went to iga ninja village. And compared with iga, kouga is small, old, but there is real ninja house at kouga and this house is now "kouga ninja village". This is inside the house. At ninja house, ninja tour is doing every hour abot 30 min and including tour, entrance fee is 600 yen per adult and 300 yen per child. It is near shigaraki and there is anthique shop which my wife likes, so we went there. And then, we walked around shigaraki town where there are many porcelain shops.

murian, Kyoto


Murin-an, Kyoto

We went murin-an, which I saw at keihan railway's brochure. As always, we got off at sanjoy keihan station and walked around to the destination. Ate lunch. And this is a entrance of murin-an. Murin-an is very good place to relax, because it is not so famous so not crowded and well-reserved. I liked this place. Afterthat, we ate cakes at cafe. There held demo against nuclear power station.

Kyoto municipal science center, Kyoto

We went there after 2 years' absence.  Last time we had been there, he had cried, but this time he enjoyed dinosaurs.