Memento database

Recently, I use tablet(Nexus 7 with wifi) & smart phone (LG l-01f with MVNO) .
Before, I used iPod touch and used flashcaed app for memo of english words and after changing to android(nexus 7), I can't find good app and furthermore, I changed my old mobile phone to smartphone(l-01f) with MNNO to reduce telecommunication fee, so I want to find good app which I can handle 2 devices with synchronizing database.
And I find this software. It is very easy to use and it can sync database via Google docs, so if I can append words in one device and push sync bottom, then I can update another device with simply push sync bottom.
I like it, but recently when I deleted Google docs's spreadsheet, I can't upload data to Google docs. But today, this trouble has been solved. After uploading data, I could not see spreadsheet from Google doc app, but when I access from desktop PC, I can find uploaded spreadsheet and after that, I can see uploaded spreadsheet from Google doc app.
Maybe this might be bug, but anyway I can use it normally.


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