
Micro:bit, Mbot, and prgograming tool

Recent technology's progress is amazing. One is a progress of coding technology and second is a progress of IT-gadget. Emergence of graphical programing tool like Scratch is a big innovation which makes programming easy to handle. And at the same time, it gadget like micro:bit, rasbery-pi emerge. I think both of them are indispensible for each other. I happend to buy  mbot  2 years before for my son's christmas present when he was 2 grade of elementary school. He liked it. Mbot has many functions like  - line detection  - light detection  - sonic detection  - bluetooth interface and also has a graphical programing tool like scratch but he prefered using its remote controller rather than using programing tool. And about one year later, we happend to start Scratch on November 2017 and started going CoderDojo on March 2018 and it was a very big event, I think. Scratch is a SNS programing platform and it is huge difference from mbot programing tool because he...

Coder Dojo

We've been to coder dojo hirakata  from march this year. I happend to see article about  CoderDojo  and wondering if there is CoderDojo around my place. And I was very surprised that it it there in our city! CoderDojo is free programing clubs and there is no curriculum so they attend this club and doing programming. Main programing language is Scratch  so all they need is only notebook computer. There is wifi curcumstance it this club and there are mentor so if they have some quesion or trouble, they can ask them reluxly. It is about 2 hour and at the end of club, they can demonstrate their programing and it is good experience. It is for children from 7 to 17 years old, held once a month. And at hirakata club, almost all of them are elementary school children so it is best for him. View this post on Instagram #CoderDojo枚方 スタートしました! #coderdojo CoderDojo Hirakata さん(@coderhirakata)がシェアした投稿 - 20see18年 9月月8日午後10時52分PDT CoderDojo hirakata is held at hiraba , co-work...

University entrance exam in Japan

Recently in japan, there is an argument about whether private english certificate could be used at unversity's entrance exam. Some top university said this certificate is not indispensible. I think using private english certificate is good because it is more practical than current entrance exam. Japanese entrance exam needs some "exam skill" so I think spending time for getting such skill is waste of time. Furthermore, English is just one of basic skills so if they pass certain level certificate, it is enough, I think. I don't know why so-called japanese top level university is so keen to their entrance exam. Most important thing is that whether or not these university are attractive for really talented students. Their name brand is meaningless, I think. If they are talent and boring school, they only choose high-levek university but if high-level university are stick to such "score that needs exam skill", these university is not attractive for t...

Koudaiji temple, Intokuin, etc Kyoto

My wife recently loved to see "sego-don" which deals with meiji new era 150 years before, and she wanted to go their related places so we went to higashiyama-erea. This autumn season, kyoto is very crowded for autumn leaves so we left home before 8 AM. First, stepped out at sijo station around 9 AM. Turned right at yasaka shrine. It is ordinally course. First, we went to koudai-ji where very beautiful garden is famous. This temple was built around 1600 A.D. by famous general hideyoshi toyotomi's wife nene. I've sometimes visited this temple and I loved it. Then we moved to Intoku-in next to takadai-ji. Maybe it is my first visit to this temple.  It is small but very well reserved and garden is also beautiful. We did Sutra copying and we could select thema of Sutra. Then we moved to this day's main event "ryouzai musium of history". We could see many monuments...

For what do I study ?

This is a question that I often think about and my answer is always like that it's a desire to know, curiosity. When I lost something important for me, I always come back to this question. It's my fundamental question and my basic philospy. Maybe this notion, value of life is rooted from my parents. Our family believe that education is most important thing for children and they helped us, supported us, to study. And they don't care about our school's scores, name of school and they didn't say anything about if we would go to university or not. It's very important, I think. Anyway, if we want to study some subjects, one good method is to utilize exam study, because it lead us to go to high level efficiently. I'm not so intersted in qualification, scores but using exam textbook is good method and fun to study!

A limestone cave, etc

Yesterday, I happened to read newspaper's article about "kawachi no fu-ketsu" which is a limestone cave at shiga, and we decided to go there. We left hirakata about 10:20 and arrived there at 12:20 and it is very beautiful and natural place. Inside the cave, air was cool and outside the cave, there is a beautiful and very cold river and I was refreshed by the air. Then we moved back to oumi-hachiman city where it is famous for canal. After short coffee break, we went to La Collina , which is confectionary shop. It is also famous for beautiful landscape. Then we moved to hachiman-bori. It was sunday evening and time is over 6PM so people are not crowded and we enjoy these atmosphere. We had arrived at home about 10PM but it was very good summer short trip.