Coder Dojo

We've been to coder dojo hirakata from march this year.

I happend to see article about CoderDojo and wondering if there is CoderDojo around my place. And I was very surprised that it it there in our city!
CoderDojo is free programing clubs and there is no curriculum so they attend this club and doing programming. Main programing language is Scratch so all they need is only notebook computer. There is wifi curcumstance it this club and there are mentor so if they have some quesion or trouble, they can ask them reluxly. It is about 2 hour and at the end of club, they can demonstrate their programing and it is good experience.
It is for children from 7 to 17 years old, held once a month. And at hirakata club, almost all of them are elementary school children so it is best for him.

CoderDojo Hirakataさん(@coderhirakata)がシェアした投稿 -

CoderDojo hirakata is held at hiraba, co-working place and maybe this place is provided for CoderDojo with free or special price.
Mentor's job might be not easy but this concept is so good that many people gather voluntary. Computer science is originally based upon such open source activity so this kind of activities may well suit for programming.(This is free club but it raises subscription and many participants make a donation)

I think providing such environment for children is good because they can see another person's coding, asking, teaching each other.


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