
About English, TOEIC test

At our branch, we are scheduled to take a toeic test from tomorrow, so I'll take toeic tomorrow. Recently, many company and school are using toeic test and japanese people likes toeic test very much. I think toec test itself is not bad because we can get english skill efficiently throught such test studying. But for me, score itself is meaningless because Englisht is just a tool. English itself is not a purpose. I think English is just a tool so if we learn a basic skill at junior highschool and high school for 6 years, that's enough. And afterthat, just use it. The reason why I think such things is that when I was a graduated student and in my twenties, I often travelled abroad by myself and thought english was just an tool, so studying for test score at school is meaningless ( of course, for people who want to say I have such title ...

vegetable garden

Potatos which we harvested came into bud so we planted them. Cauliflower and broccoli was grown. String bean blossoms are out. It took about 2 hours to plant and harvest vegetables, but today is very warm and sky is blue so it is enjoyable.

3days holiday has gone in a flash ..

3days holiday has gone rapidly ! Yesterday, there held "donto festival" (I'm not sure the meaning) in our town and I and my son went there. I found this event at our town's board, saying there are rice cake making and free "ozenzai" so we went this event place held at elementary school. there are long procession for "ozenzai" "ozenzai" Afterthat, bonfire was held. This gathering are wood, bamboo, and writing of elementary school's students which they pledge to do this year. After this event, we went to Osaka city science museum. (we and wife took train and she went to shopping and I and my son went to the museum) I wanted to go there because when I was a child like my son, I often went to the museum for children at Shizuoka city and I loved it very much because there were many scientific things there and I belonged to some scientific club where I made electric radio and such things and it was very good ...

naked fukushima

Note of the book "naked fukushima" by yoshimitsu takuki, borrowed at library. - I read many books about the disaster of fukushima nuclear power plant and many are about nuclear plant or goverment's  correspondence, so this is intersting because he live in fukushima and write his experience. -Link:  amazon ,  blog 1. what had really happend at "1F"  - from the report of TEPCO, after explosion of plant No.1, they gather the car's battely to open vent of plant No.3 and opened it. 2. Real things that people don't want to admit about radioactive contamination -He checked the nuclea contamination date by watching australia weather association or norway weather association because japanese date of SPEED was not available.  - nuclear power safety research group : result around Iidate village   people of Iidate village first knew from this report that this village was in danger situation. - A member of japan weather association published a report in...

About internet and books

There are so many things existed in internet, same as books. And I thought before that there were few good articles existed in internet compared with books, but recently I'm changing my mind. Of course, there are so many junky things existed in internet world, but sometimes there are very very talented person existed. And when I find such brilliant things, that makes me feel excited. Thinking such things, I often rember when I was a student. When I was a highschool student at shizuoka highschool, some students were very talented & unique so I was deeply moved by them. Compared with tokyo and osaka, there are no special private highschool at shizuoka, so top students go to public school like shizuoka highschool, so there are variety of people existed at this school and top level of students are very very talented so when I entered university, I felt a little sad because top level seemed to be lower compared with shizuoka highschool.. For example, one of my friend I....


Reading today's nikkei newspaper, it says about JMOOC: . This article says that -it is done by japanese -He (this article's author: jmooc's head) want users to power up their value to utilize it -He hope many university'll provide many lectures I think it is nonsense. I use itune-university and three moocs(cousera, edX,udacity) + khan, and it is very fantasitic ! I use them simply because they are very intersting to me, not for power up my capability or for my promotion. Mind your business ! Reading this artcile, I'm wondering about what is university now. Nowadays, we can learn many things from internet for free and it is revolutionary. So are there still something attracting things in japanese university? I simply chose TIT because I like electronics, math & scinece and this college attract me very much(cheap tuition fee is one reason: I'm not sure but maybe 1000 $ per year and second reason is easiness to enter. I'm now s...

shisendou, kyoto

We went to shisendou, kyoto at 29 Sep. We started from hirakata by car at about 11:40 and arrived ichijo-ji about 1:20. At first, we ate lunch at "takayasu", famous noodle shop which my wife found by internet. It was 1:30 but the shop was crowded so we waited about 20 min (including waiting for parking lot of this shop). This shop's interior was very unique considering noodle shop. It got best noodle award. The volume was big so our total cost was about 1600 yen, cheap and delicious. After eating, there were waiting peoples. Then parked our car (we found cheap parking lot 700 yen per day) and started walking to shisendou temple. This was a enterance of shisendou, cost 500 yen per adult. Picture was inhibited inside this house but we could take pictures outside this house. There are "hachidai shrine" next to shisen-dou. At this shrine, movie might be taken There are ic...