Amazon's misorder

I used ¥980 maruman watch for about 2years, but recently this watch was sometimes in a wrong manner. After using stopwatch function plus ilumination function and press a stop botton, time was all reset! (I often do joging after coming home and used stopwatch function of my watch)
And 3days before, at last time was incorrect.
It might be out of battely, but I decided to buy new watch at amazon.
I like CASIO G-SHOCK orignal model(5600) and found ¥5900 imported one, so I orderd it.
And yesterday, it was delivered but it was another type(model 9052).
I've used amazon for a long time but such thing was first.
Returning process is easy. At first, I clicked url in reciept mail and I writ down my telephone number and push botton, then there were return cal from amazon telephone center. After telling infirmation, they did refunding procejure. Then I packed the watch into box then brought it to convinience store, sended it to amazon C.O.D.*
When amazon recieve the percel, I`ll recieve amazon cash point then reorder an watch.
*Sending label are available at "checking ording history" of customer menu after they recieve refunding procedure.
After refunding procedure, I reordered one and it was arrived this Tuesday and this one is right one!


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