About corona infection status
With the third wave of corona coming, I checked what the current situation is.
Domestic situation
- Below, download the data from the NHK special site. Daily number of new infections nationwide, Tokyo, and Osaka (line charts are average for the past week)
- In Osaka, the number of serious injuries was high for a while, and the situation was quite serious, but it is on a downward trend. On the other hand, it can be seen that Tokyo continues to increase.
Overseas situation
- According to data dated December 18, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, there are 17 million infected people in the United States, 10 million people in India, and 7.1 million people in Brazil, while Japan has 190,000, which is a fairly small number. Looking at NHK data, nearly 200,000 new infections occur in the United States a day, while in Japan it is about 3,000, which is about two orders of magnitude different.
- The number of infected people worldwide is 79 million according to the data of WHO COVID-19 DASHBOARD dated December 28.
On the other hand, when looking at Japan as a whole, Nikkei reported that the number of deaths in Japan from January to October was 14,000 less than in the same period of the previous year.
It is sometimes stated that the number of influenza deaths in Japan is 10,000 every year, but according to this paper, the maximum number of "influenza excess deaths" * exceeded 35,000 in the 1998/99 season, but the latest It is said that there are about 2,000 people in the 2018/19 season, and if you look at 2000 people as a base, the death toll of COVID 19 at the moment is 3000 people, which is more than this, but infectious diseases including normal influenza are infectious disease countermeasures. Being suppressed by.
* In addition to "when influenza directly causes death", "when influenza causes indirect death due to exacerbation of the underlying disease (previously existing underlying disease)".