This weekend, I tried to sing up AWS(Amazon Web Service).
I wanted to do it, but hesitated to do. One reason is it needs credic card and second reason is it seemed difficult to do.

At first, I planed to take part in free seminar around Osaka, but after netserfing internet, I found that it was not so difficult*1 to sign up, so I tried today.

It took about 1 hour to finished. It might be about 10 min if there were no trouble.
I first select Tokyo machine to make instance, but changed my mind to default machine (oregon, USA) because it was cheaper than tokyo.
After finished AWS setting, I connected my AWS by terminal.
At first I couldn't connect*2, but somehow I could. Then installing Apache, and finnaly
I can access my server (below). I was deeply moved when I saw this screen !

It is good period now because I can have my own server with no cost and can use it anywhere !
I accessed my college's server via telephone line when I was college student (late 80' to early 90') and after 30 years I can do via internet to USA server.

*2 I forgot setting http(port 80) and ssh(port 22) inbound traffic permission.


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