New desktop PC
We had been using HP desktop PC for 6 years and suddenly it broke down. It was due to hard-drive's brokage and I tried to replace HD but it might be that motherboard of this PC was also broken according to the analysis of PC shop so I decided to buy new one. We'are setting PC in our living room so compact one is better (HP's one was all-in-one type) so we decided to buy all-in-one type. HP's internet-order type was cheapest 6 years ago but this time, lenovo PC is cheapest so we ordered it( ideacentre AIO 510S ). It is 23 inch and pentium iCore5 model. I was very surprised that it was deliverd 2 days after I ordered it! It was thin and stylish compared with our former one(HP) so we loved it very much. Price are 85,000 yen (about $800), almost same as former one(HP) and very cheap compared with desktop pc saled at real shop.It was windows10 pre-instoled one so we could soon use it. Surprising thing is that it only contain basic instruction of how to set up. It is like IKE...