Syokoku-ji, maruyama okyo, Doushisya university

On 2 March, We went to Syokoku-ji temple to see a exhibition of maruyama okyo.
(see map)

At first, we went to "hamac de paradis" which is one of doushisya university's restaurant to eat  lunch.

from demachiyanagi station at keihan train to doushisya university.

lunch at doushisya university

cost \500/person, cheap & taste good !

then go to Syokoku-ji next to doushisya-university

Shokoku-ji was one of the 6 zen temple and nominated top rank between 6 temple. I'm surprized kinkaku-ji and ginkaku-ji is shokoku-ji's branch temple.

And there is tensyoukaku museum inside shokoku-ji and we watched exhibition of maruyama okyo, who was  a japanese artist at edo-era. There are some his memo and it is very tightly written with small letter which seemed to show his character.

There are painting of Ito Jakuchu and it seemed to have some relation between two person..

then walking in the doushisya

then go back to restaurant and tea-time


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