naked fukushima
Note of the book "naked fukushima" by yoshimitsu takuki, borrowed at library. - I read many books about the disaster of fukushima nuclear power plant and many are about nuclear plant or goverment's correspondence, so this is intersting because he live in fukushima and write his experience. -Link: amazon , blog 1. what had really happend at "1F" - from the report of TEPCO, after explosion of plant No.1, they gather the car's battely to open vent of plant No.3 and opened it. 2. Real things that people don't want to admit about radioactive contamination -He checked the nuclea contamination date by watching australia weather association or norway weather association because japanese date of SPEED was not available. - nuclear power safety research group : result around Iidate village people of Iidate village first knew from this report that this village was in danger situation. - A member of japan weather association published a report in...