Autumn vegitable

Hot summer season has gone and good season for grow vegetables has come. Yesterday, I bought seeds and seedlings.
September is very good season to seed because comparing early summer time, there are a little warms so we can easly grow vegetables with leaves, so I bought
1) cabbage *
2) broccoli *
3) cauliflower *
4) spinach(ホウレンソウ)
5) komatsuna
6) field pea(莢豌豆)
7) Japanese radish
8) onion
 ( *: which I bought seedling)

As far as my last year's experience, bok choy(青梗菜) and No.2,5,6,7 is good.
I usually plant onion seedling at november, but I found onion seeds so I'll try to seed them.

Today, I plow the field about 2 hours and I got blisters on my hands !

It is also good season for eggplants ( in japan, autumn eggplant is synonymous with autumn delicious foods ). To get good autumn eggplant is to cut branchs at summer time.

This is flowers of leeks(ニラ), it is similar with onion head. I sow them for the first time this season because I seeds them last year and this is a second season.
From this article, we can eat bud, bud also said that if it flower, it'll die or leaf will not grow, so it might be a little late to cut bud !


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