Noam Chomsky -about education

As I read the book "Reversal of the intellect", there are some writings saying that the education for test is very harmful and he also mention about education system of John Dewey because he studied at school of its education philosophy.

I also agree its opinion because test score is just a indication of understanding, memorizing and there are no other meaning. But as I wrote this, score or ranking is sometimes main goal for study in japan and it is ridiculus.

Reading books and find something that we didn't know is fantastic experiences.
And thinking about the origin of university or college, I think it all started from people' s curiosity. In case of japan, maybe at the begining of meiji-era (1868-) , young people wanted to know abount unknown things or about foreign countries and were gathering and studied at small cram schools and those were the roots of many japanese universities. But the times goes by and the original desire for wanting to know turned out to be a purpose of getting high score and I can't understand it.

For my case, I didn't care which school I would go because school itself was meaningless for me. (furthermore my father & mother & my relative didn't go to university) The only thing that I cared to choose university was that
- it didn't need much fee (because my family were not rich and had anothe brother and sister)
 - needed not to study hard to enter school (because spending much time for preparing examination seemed meaningless for me)
 - seemed intersting ( I liked math & science very much and when I was elementary school, I bought electric-field's books that was for highschool or university students so school's math class was boring for me. So for me, if I could learn such field and not boring, that's ok )

Changing the subject, I read newspaper's article that the ranking score of akita international university(AIU) is almost same as tokyo university and after reading this article, I feel sad because I read some articles about AIU and I think it is good university because it seems intersting and unique curriculum( if I were 18 years old, I might choose this school).
But if AIU is aiming about ranking score, it lose the fascination like other japanese university. So if AIU show some intersts about ranking score, maybe it's over.


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