
Amazon is very convenient

Last week , our house's light at kitchen was down. Switch of light was broken. 10 years has passed since our house was made, so it might be such a time. And I was searching this switch. It indicates "JW-S11" "NKK", and went to some electronics stores, but could not find this switch. This maker (NKK) has some branch including Osaka, but it is not near our house. So I search this words with amazon and find this. Amazing ! It is about 2$ plus 6$ of sending cost. And ordered 4 days before and arrived yesterday. And today, I fixed the light using soldering iron. I was surprised that amazon deal with such kind of things which normal people seldom needs. Very convenient period of time !

Keeping time for reading books

For me, keeping time for reading is very important. Reading good books is very fatastic experience for me. It is like meeting very talent people. We can talk to top level person directly through books, and I can talk to a person who are already died through books. Recently, I always carry two type of books, one is traditional paper books and another is e-books. I'm a fan of amazon kindle. Kindle is very good for me because it is light, easy to read because it contains dictionary so I can find meanings of unknown words immediately, and is restricted for reading books. I commute about 1 hour 50 min. for one way and it is good time for reading. To make use of separated short times in a dairy life is good for reading. I fully use of this time for reading. And most important things is to choose good books. There are many garbage books around us but also there are very good books around us so getting informations about good books is very very important.

Global ??

Reading today's nikkei newspaper's advertisement of University, I'm surprised to find that almost all of them says we are seeking "globa". Everytime I see this word, I always feel that it is empty word. Are they want to show their foolishness using this word ? As writing  here , It does not matter for me. But I'm wondering that if many japanese university is like that, japan is over. People want to study so they go, that's all I think. But many japanese people lose these most important thing. It is same in top university's student (of course all of them is not like that, but as far as my experience, many japanese people care about "ability of study". It's very sad. ) My opinion is that the right to study is a basic right for human beings, so it is nonsense to spend much money for studying. From that point of view, Japan is good country because public university's fee is low compared with other western university. But japanese pe...


I knew her song when reading this blog  in 2007. I like her sorrowful song. I don't know much about fad but music rooted on traditional sounds like fad is good. I had gone to Portugal once, walking around Lisbon. I didn't go to music pub of fad but I remenbered the memory of Portugal in 1991.  We always listen popular music and it sounds similar, Japanese songs, USA songs. Hearing such songs, I feel freshness and sometimes I was deeply moved.

Beautiful Mars

This week ,   we can see Mars very closely so I and my son watched Mars. From this picture, it is like dot. But as seeing from our naked eyes, it looked big,bright brown color. I was very surprised to see this largeness of star. My son also liked this star. I also used tablet app "Star map" to find Mars. It is very useful because we move my tablet towards stars and this app indicates a name of this star. When I was a child, I used a real star map on a circuit plate. Ciuruiting map by date, time, I can find which stars was found in certain direction. Both is good tools for science lovers.

Efficiency, usage of brain, etc

I like books very much so I often go to book shops because. I like good books and I think that good books indicates standard level of this country's cultual level. And recently I sometimes feel sad because there are many books which lectures good usage of brains, how to do things efficiently. When I saw this book the day before yesterday, I felt she was crazy. Of course, freedom of speech is basic right but I felt very sad to see these kind of books. Maybe such person was taught high perfomance of brain is most important value of life. If there are such kinds of books in book shops, Japan might be over.

Electric money

Recently , I'v started using electric money with smartphone.(not bitcoin) Smartphone contains IC chip called felica and now I'm using Edy which handles electric money. I charged money at convenience stores because there are a little charging machine near here. Electric money is convinient because we don't have to pull coins from our wallet, but some stores don't deal with electric money (ex. 100yen shops, etc) so afterall I have to bring wallet anytime. But it is good ! Recently, I can find service which uses felica at golf driving range. When I charged smartphone at entrance tab, it automatically charges points. If I gain some amount of points, I can get golf griving range's card. It is unique service. It is one of examples to use IT in a fantastic way.