Handling informations
Recently due to a progress of IT, we can easily gather and handle many informations at any time any place if they have a curiisity. My method is like this. 1. Getting informations, reading informations I use RSS reader(Feedly) and mail magazine and those are good way to get informations efficiently, but most good method for me is by newspaper (real newspaper). Newspaper is coverd with wide range of information so for me is the best resource. I always get up at early about 4:30 AM and have a coffee and read newspaper about 30 min. This is a best time for me. And after reading it and find some intersting articles, I take a picture by tablet and send it to my google drive. Before IT is not convinient like this, I scrap these by folders but storing in cloud is very convinient because I can aceess my own resources at any place at any time. And my most important information resources is books. I like books very very much from children. I spend about 2 or 3 times a week at b...