Camp at north of Kyoto (20 Sep)
Sep. 19-23 is 5 days holiday (called silver week), so I planed to make an overnight trip to somewhere near here. There were several plan, going to dinosaur museum at fukui, or driving to amano-hashidate through newly constructed kyoto-highway, staying hotel or camping. But when we checked hotel or camping erea, allmost all of them were already reserved. But at 19, I happend to find small camping park ( okuyama nature exploration park at tango peninsula) so we suddenly prepared trip and left home at 8:40 AM, sunday 20. Kyoto hightway was opend 2 month before so I was wondering heavy traffic, but traffic was smooth from yamazaki IC to terminal yosa amano-hashidate IC, so we reached caming park at noon (11:50). There are 2 type of camping erea, both of them were 1500 yen - 2000 yen per overnight, all person(very cheap), and there were no other people so we selected flat type site near river. After making a tent, we ate lunch. Afterthat, we drove to kinosai ...