
Japanese radish, etc

Last years autumn, I sowed this field with japanese radish, chinese cabbages and komatsuna. But it was a little late to sow (nearly winter time) so they grew slowly and spring has come and flowers bloom !! I first see japanese radish's flower. Suddenly stem of them grew taller and flowered with yellow tiny flower. Maybe they are all relatives so their flowers are very similar.

History of my computers

I sometimes feel wonder how splendid current smartphones are. I grew up using old MS-DOS computer and old mainframe computer using at university about 1985- with 8.5 inch floppy disk. So compared these things, revolution of current IT technology is splendid. My first computer(NEC VX21) were around 1MIPS, and  my smartphone(LG G2 01f) is around 1000MIPS. When I was graduate student at 1989-1990, our lab introduced SUN sparkstation 2 and it was around 30MIPS . We used it for simulating our model of network and we are very excited this workstation's high spec. So now I always carry 30 workstations I used to use ! Below are my history of computers I used (netbook,ipod,tablet,smartphone indicating "+") - NEC VX21 (1987?-): V30/80286(8MHz),0.64MB(RAM),20MB(HD) - Epson (1992?-) - Fujitsu (1995?-) - Sotec(notePC)(1998?- ) - Hitachi (2002-) + mouse compute: N450(1.66GHz),1GB(RAM),160GB(HD) + kindle 3 gen:Freescale i.MX353, ARM-11 + iPod touch - HP all in one 200: Core i 3, around ...

Global University, Local University ?? nonsense

 Recently, I often see a title "G-university, L-university" in newspapers. But it seems very strange to me. At first, concept is very strange to me. My opinion is that I want to go to university that seems intersting. So goverment's definition is none of business. And second is that attitude for education. Every people has a right to study, so competition of test is nonsense to me. Test is one of a tool to know about their understanding are. So thinking such things, I find omae's article and I feel relief..

For what studying ? part2

When I see articles or advertises that say they get high test score or pass XX university and they show some method of studying. I think that they are crazy. (my most unbelievable ad of cramming school showing at train enterance-gate says "why I pass XX university".Don't they feel shamed of their crazyness ?) Maybe many of japanese are tought like this since they are young, so they are natural feeling. But so what ? Do they want to show that they are mechanically high ability people ? And thinking such things, I always go to some thinking that is questioned for  that " for what I live" and it is most important issue from childhood. And for this question, I always answer for me that it is for curiosity.  And as I write down this, I remember writing same thing , but continue. I like science, especially math and physics and electronics and reading books, so I read many such books and eager to study such field, so for me score means nothing. If they like ...

Using old windows apps on linux

Wine is famous tool for using windows app on linux. But before using it, it was not useful for me because there were many restriction ( I forgot the detail ) and stopped using it. And recently, I happend to use it and it evolved splendedly. - it can handle various windows version, exp. XP, ME, 98, 95 etc - each app can select each os version, so if I can only click A app working on windows XP or B app working on windows 98 with no attention. Very useful ! - it work very smootly. I remember old wine is heavy so motion of app is very slow, but current wine can handle apps very smootly. My netbook is Intel Atom 450, memory 1G, ubuntu 14.01LTS but run very smootly. Now I am using microsoft encarta 98 which can't work on XP environment, but is work very smootly. It's fantastic thing !

Do it !

Recently, I've come to think that if I want to criticize someone, it's better to do it by myself. If I criticize someone, I felt bad and furthermore it didn't go better because they couldn't do it. To spend time with criticizing somethings is waste of time.. To be on the side of people who always criticize someone or something or not is up to us.

Shocked ! -amazon kindle

today checking amazon site, I found that kindle is priced down for winter bergain. I bought ¥6980 but now can buy ¥4980, very shocked ! And it is shown when I log in with amazon ID. I am now a member of amazon prime, so it might be limited member's information. Anyway, I'm very very shocked and felt anger for amazon..