Micro:bit, Mbot, and prgograming tool
Recent technology's progress is amazing. One is a progress of coding technology and second is a progress of IT-gadget. Emergence of graphical programing tool like Scratch is a big innovation which makes programming easy to handle. And at the same time, it gadget like micro:bit, rasbery-pi emerge. I think both of them are indispensible for each other. I happend to buy mbot 2 years before for my son's christmas present when he was 2 grade of elementary school. He liked it. Mbot has many functions like - line detection - light detection - sonic detection - bluetooth interface and also has a graphical programing tool like scratch but he prefered using its remote controller rather than using programing tool. And about one year later, we happend to start Scratch on November 2017 and started going CoderDojo on March 2018 and it was a very big event, I think. Scratch is a SNS programing platform and it is huge difference from mbot programing tool because he...