
Showing posts from 2015

Role of school

Today , I read the article  about secret of nada-highschool elite education system. The article itself is intersting, but I feel a little strange for it. I think education should be free for everybody, not special people. If they want to learn somethings, education system support them.It is true education, I think. Education should not be for a person who study hard. It should be equal to everyone if they want to becaome studying.  And second reason I feel strange is that this article said that this school teach student to think rather than learn. Of course, it is good thing and is true, but personally I didn't like it. I didn't want school to force something to me. In my highschool (shizuoka highschool), school is very liberal and allmost every student didn't expect school lecture. But most good thing is that there are many talented student gathering and that stimulate each other. Recently, we can learn everywhere using internet + basic usage of Engli...

Cloud program using App Inventor

As writing  this , I tried App Inventor on chrome OS. I can program app very easily (about 30 min) and all needed are PC ( cheap one is ok ) Smart Phone Wifi accesibility ( in home ) gmail account Chrome OS works on browser but it is not neccesary to install linux app. Detail is here  but we can program my own app in app inventor's website and reflect programing instantly to my smartphone via home wifi network. I programed my first android program according to this article . Amazing, because when I tried Android studio on linux, android studio is very very heavy and furthermore it took sometimes to run app in my smartphone (plus needed usb-cable). This is very wonderful product so I want to teach my child(7 years old) this usage !

To erase anxiety

Sometimes, we feel anxiety at work. And that makes my brain tired. For me, there are several ways to conquer. Sleep well: this is best way for me. When my brain was tired of many things, I slept and after waking up, in many case, my brain became simple Run: Sports is good way to refresh. When running, I can think of many situations and running makes my brain stimulated, so after running, my brain became refresh. knowing it not such a big issue .And for it, seeing things with wide rage of eyes can give me wisdom.  Especially no.3 is way of thinking and is like a zen. But my zen book which I liked said that 99% anxiety is "void" (I'm not sure it is collect word in english). It was made by themselves. At first, I can't understand it by heart but recently I think it is true things. And it also reduce my wasting time enormously because 99% of things are indeed "garbage" things. Thinking it is very important issue, I think.. Going back to the main t...

Using Chrome OS and doing cloud programing

I'm using linux OS (ubuntu) for about 6 years, and I happend to find Cloudready, which might be easy to install Chrome OS, so I tried it. I've somehow installed it  and it works good. My netbook is not high performance model(CPU=N450) but it works smootly. Chrome OS is good way for old computer to be utilized. Today, I'm using cloudready and I liked it. It is browser based OS. It only works with browser but like android phone, many add-ons(chrome browser app) are available so it is not big problem. And I wanted to do android programing with Chrome OS so I searched and found good one. App Inventor . App inventor is cloud-based programing tool and we can use it by installing chrome browser app  to chronium browser. I happend to watch this BBC video  last week saying kids can learn programing. We can easily do programing in such a cheap computer, amazing. ---- appending: 2015.12.23 ------ At first I thought Chrome OS (Cloudready) is good, but using this OS , I change my opin...

Handling informations

Recently due to a progress of IT, we can easily gather and handle many informations at any time any place if they have a curiisity. My method is like this. 1. Getting informations, reading informations   I use RSS reader(Feedly) and mail magazine and those are good way to get informations efficiently, but most good method for me is by newspaper (real newspaper).  Newspaper is coverd with wide range of information so for me is the best resource. I always get up at early about 4:30 AM and have a coffee and read newspaper about 30 min. This is a best time for me. And after reading it and find some intersting articles, I take a picture by tablet and send it to my google drive. Before IT is not convinient like this, I scrap these by folders but storing in cloud is very convinient because I can aceess my own resources at any place at any time. And my most important information resources is books. I like books very very much from children. I spend about 2 or 3 times a week  at b...

Sports is good for health, especially for brain

I'm interested in relationship between stress and brain function. Mechanism of brain is very intersting because brain is very accurate organism. When we feel about fear, stress, brain alart to amygdala in brain, then amygdala make signal to hypothalamus then hypothalamus makes singnal to hypophysis ,then hypophysis make signal to adrenal gland then adrenal gland release cortisol which is stress hormone.This route is called "HPA" . Cortisol is circuited via blood around our body then affected many organ including brain. Cortisol is good when emargence situation was happend, but when we continuously feel stress alltime, cortisol level is always high and it is bad for brain, especially for hippocampus which is important for memory. My favorite book " Method of usage of waking up early " said that 3 important issue for health is "sleep 7 hours", "good food" and "good exercise". The author kisou kubota has jogging 3 days ...


My workplace has changed to kobe in July so we went to kobe for sightseeing there. This is around minatogawa-park underground station. minatogawa park. We ate lunch there. After lunch, we walked around JR kobe station. There held basketball game. And walked around.. Motomachi shopping street. It is famous shop "roushouki" and we ate butaman. We walked around chinise town. Then second break time at sannomiya. That's over our fun time.

Soroban school

Recently, my son went to soroban school near our house (2min. By walk from our house ) This school is held in private house so it dose not seem like "school". Soroban is very good custom in Japan, I think, because they use fingures very rapidly so it stimulate brain. Soroban specialist can calculate adding, multiplication without soroban. It is amazing ! He likes soroban school because he can play outside with their friends after finising soroban school !

Mini 4WD

When we went to shizuoka, we went to sumpu takumi-juku and took part in plastic model making course. My son made dangan-racer which is one of mini 4WD series and enjoyed very much. Dangan-racer is small plastic-model toy car, running very fast. But it needed special circuit couse so if we want to run this car, we have to find hobby shop which has special circuit couse, so we went to hobby shop( hobby zone ) where it has special circuit couse. on 6 Sep. There were special course but too small and it is for mini 4WD. In this shop, there are many mini 4WD plastic model exhibited and they are about 1000yen included motor, not so expensive, so we want to buy it. This shop plans to do racing event this month, that's one reason we bought mini 4WD. Then we went to mini 4WD tournament. There were much people. Many people had their special tools ! We participated in junior school tournament. Race was done with 3 times rou...

Camp at north of Kyoto (21 Sep.)

Second day, I got up at 5 am and it was cool, not cold but a little cold morning. I boilded water for coffee and morning soup. After eating breakfast and pulled down a tent, we walked around there. We climbed up to the hill for big stone called "asobi ishi", but after walking up about 20 min., we found big honey comb in front of the stone ! After enjoying walking, we left there and drove around tango peninsula. First, we went to kumihama, beautiful small village. Then drove through Route 178 to north-east, then south. We reached to ine where many houses were in front of the sea. These houses have ship garages inside houses. Then final distination,amano-hashidate. At first, I planed to go to maizuru but when we arrived there, it was 3:40 pm, so changed plan. Amano-hashidate was large so there are 2 spot, north and south, and both have ropeway. We walked around north erea and it was very b...